Saturday, November 16, 2013

Natural ways to increase your libido

As a women's health nurse practitioner one of the most common questions I get from patients is "what can I do to improve my sex drive?" Most say that they've noticed a steady decline in their libido, especially after having children. It is absolutely heartbreaking to hear women report that they've forgone sex for months, or even years because they "just haven't been in the mood." Now I'm not saying that sex is they key to a healthy and happy relationship, but it is an important part. Sex strengthens the bond between you and your partner, boosts immune function, releases depression-fighting endorphins, and gets the blood pumping! Blood flow from arousal and sex actually keeps the vaginal tissues healthy!

For most, the key to the whole deal is stress! Like illness, low libido often results from the constant state of stress most of us deal with every day. When you're stressed your body's top priority is keeping you in "fight or flight" mode so you can escape danger. Whether that means running away from a mastodon or dealing with an overly demanding job, your brain interprets stressful situations as a threat.  We face an overabundance of stressful stimuli and in response the hypothalamus activates the sympathetic nervous system. This complex pathway diverts all resources to your body's essential functions; basically you shift into survival mode. When the sympathetic nervous system is activated your adrenal glads pump out adrenaline and cortisol. Adrenaline increases your heart rate and boosts your blood pressure, while cortisol facilitates the release of glucose to fuel the brain, slows digestion, and reproductive functions. After all, arousal is not exactly high priority when you're running from a bear. Here's the thing about cortisol, over time, the normal adrenal response gets disregulated and no longer functions in its normal pattern. Cortisol should be highest in the morning, gradually dip throughout the day, and be lowest at night before you go to sleep.  Your body is only meant to be in fight or flight mode for short bursts, so eventually the adrenal response is blunted. Some will notice that they feel very tired upon waking, and don't feel fully awake until mid morning after several cups of coffee. It is common to experience fatigue in the afternoon and then, when its time for bed, suddenly catch a second wind and not be able to fall asleep.

Whether the medical establishment chooses to recognize it or not, adrenal fatigue plagues more than 80% of the population on some level. Most of us have not developed the tools to shift  from sympathetic to parasympathetic mode; from fight or flight to relaxation. So doesn't it make sense that a busy mom might experience a drop in libido? Talk about a constant state of stress!

So, back to the question at hand. How can we increase libido?

Reduce stress!
Lets face it, we can't always avoid stress but it's vitally important to to take a look at our crazy schedules and see where changes can be made. And ladies, QUIT TRYING TO DO EVERYTHING YOURSELF! Ask for help whether you think you need it or not because you do. It's also essential to find ways to handle stress that work for you. Whether its going to yoga, journaling, or taking a bubble bath. Figure out what works for your and use it! Too busy for any of that? Schedule time each day to do deep breathing. Just taking the time to do 5-10 slow deep breaths, fully inhaling and fully exhaling, can instantly incite the relaxation response.

Heal your Adrenals
There are a lot of schools of thought regarding the best ways to heal the adrenals and the protocols can get very involved. Having dealt with adrenal fatigue personally, here are my suggestions:

* Adaptogenic herbs: these are herbs that can either raise or lower cortisol depending on what your body needs. How cool is that?! They "adapt" to YOU! My top 2 supplements are Maca root powder and Gaia Adrenal support, which is a combination of ashwaghanda, rhodiola, and holy basil. I usually add the maca to my morning smoothie and take the adrenal support in the afternoon.

* Essential oils: Grapefruit essential oil is particularly beneficial in balancing cortisol and it aids in liver detoxification. I recommend rubbing 1-2 drops over each kidney and/or adding 3-5 drops to your drinking water daily. CAUTION: if you ingest oil be sure that you are using a brand that is safe for internal use. I use doTERRA and have had fabulous results. Ylang Ylang is effective for promoting relaxation and has strong antidepressant properties. Traditionally, the flowers have been valued as a powerful aphrodisiac and have been sprinkled on the bed of newlyweds. Fun fact: my husband and I honeymooned in Thailand and each night, our housekeeper would come in and diffuse ylang ylang oil for us. It took me nearly a year to figure out what that amazing scent was!

Vitamin C is important for all components of the adrenal cascade. Some advocate taking several thousand milligrams in divided doses throughout the day. Since it is water soluable, you can overdose on Vitamin C but too much will give your diarrhea.Try it out and see how your body reacts.

B vitamins are also vital to adrenal function particularly B5, B6, and B12.

Fish oil decreases inflammation and it is essential for overall health. I encourage you  to invest in a quality brand. Your fish oil should contain EPA and DHA in a 3:1 ratio and these should equal 720mg or more. If it just says "fish oil" it doesn't actually contain the essential fatty acids that have health benefits.

Vitamin D is essential for immune function, cancer protection, and energy. You need to be supplementing daily!

I've used Metagenics supplements for about a year now, a will never use another brand. Use Banderson  for free shipping.

Hormonal support: Good news! DHEA, which is a precursor to testosterone, is widely available over the counter. When taken appropriately DHEA can help to heal your adrenal glands and boost libido. I recommend Pure Encapsulations and I advise women to start with 5mg daily and increase to 10mg. DHEA can also be prescribed by a health care provider in a cream form.

Exercise: Sorry can't avoid it! Exercise boosts endorphin levels which have been linked to increased sex drive. It also promotes healthy bodyweight, which is key in hormonal balance. If you truly have adrenal fatigue stick to yoga or walking rather than high intensity exercise because  you don't want to further stress your body.

Bottom line,  stress contributes to illness, depression, and low libido. Make YOUR selfcare a priority and let the healing begin!

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